Belmont Hospital

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Belmont Hospital. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment and hospital. You can find Belmont Hospital at 16 Croudace Bay Road, Belmont, New South Wales 2280.


Postal address:
16 Croudace Bay Road, Belmont, New South Wales 2280
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Phone number:
+61 2 4923 2000

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Reviews about Belmont Hospital

  • Melissa x
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Some of you seem to have been lucky with your treatment at this hospital, however my dying father was not so lucky, he was rushed to ICU and we were told he had died in the ambulance, when we got to see him in the ICU we were told he was critical, I told the staff that my father had DNR on his chart which was Do Not Resusitate, staff claimed they didnt see it, after he was out of ICU he was put into the high care cardiac ward for the rest of his 10 days before passing away in a horrific manner, the moment before he passed away he had staff hovering around him but when the time came for his last breath all the doctors disappeared, and it was left to myself and my mother to watch him pass away with terror in his eyes till his last breath, my mother and I never saw or even heard another Dr or nurse come by to check on us, the next person to arrive was the tea lady with my fathers dinner, she hugged us both for our loss, the staff couldnt even tell her it was not needed, when I went outside his door to see where the Drs/nurses where they all just standing around at the reception desk, my mother and I sat with my father for about an hour after his passing we did not see or hear any nursing staff what so ever they never even came in to say they were sorry or sad for our loss, in fact when it was time for us to leave we could not find anyone to let them know we are going now and you can get my father ready for the funeral home, I know nurses and Drs can get quite frantic and run off there feet but it made me so angry that they deserted my father at the most critical time and left it to my mother and myself to help him in his passing, we are not Drs we had no idea what was going on or what we needed to do because NO ONE was there to guide us, it would have been nice for at least 1 nurse to have stayed with us to answer our questions, and I had plenty of questions during dads passing, he looked like he was in pain and his face was all distorted, so that was frightening. its been a few years now since my father passed and this is the first time I have been able to speak about it, because the last vision I have of my father passing is him being deserted by the nursing staff and Drs with my mother and myself there to try and comfort him and the look of terror in his eyes, I was going to give the hospital a 2 star rating out of 5 but now I have read my own story that star rating is only deserved of a 1 star, because I am angry all over again at the lack of compassion this hospital showed to my father and us as a family.
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